The Leadership Training Activity Book: 50 Exercises

(John Hannent) #1

Chairs arranged in a circle

Learning does not end when the workshop is over, but leaders do forget some of what
they learned as they return to their busy work lives. A professional resource group made
up of peers provides a regular forum in which to extend learning, share successes, and
solve professional problems.
This activity provides your participants with an opportunity to create such a group
with people they already know. Participants have shared similar learning experiences
through your workshop module or series. This is a great foundation for creating a suc-
cessful resource group.

Trainer’s Notes for Activity 15

Step 1: Provide an overview of the concept by suggesting that participants face
a dilemma: Once the workshop is over, they will return to their everyday
responsibilities and are likely to neglect some or all of their good
intentions to apply what they have learned. Ask volunteers to share how
this can happen.
Introduce this scenario: At work, they run across a problem that
appears unsolvable. They find themselves wishing that someone else—
perhaps from the workshop—was around to help them think through
the problem. Ask participants to talk about how often they think this
might happen.

Step 2: Introduce the idea of forming a professional resource group—a group of
peers who meet regularly to discuss common issues, help one another
solve work problems, celebrate successes, and extend learning.
Ask if any participants have been members of such a group. Discuss
their experiences as you go over the steps involved in forming a
professional group.


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