Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you
feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual
Blocked friends may find your recovery disturbing. Your
getting unblocked raises the unsettling possibility that they,
too, could become unblocked and move into authentic
creative risks rather than bench-sitting cynicism. Be alert to
subtle sabotage from friends. You cannot afford their well-
meaning doubts right now. Their doubts will reactivate your
own. Be particularly alert to any suggestion that you have
become selfish or different. (These are red-alert words for
us. They are attempts to leverage us back into our old ways
for the sake of someone else’s comfort, not our own.)
Blocked creatives are easily manipulated by guilt. Our
friends, feeling abandoned by our departure from the ranks
of the blocked, may unconsciously try to guilt-trip us into
giving up our newly healthy habits. It is very important to
understand that the time given to morning pages is time
between you and God. You best know your answers. You
will be led to new sources of support as you begin to
support yourself.
Be very careful to safeguard your newly recovering artist.
Often, creativity is blocked by our falling in with other