people’s plans for us. We want to set aside time for our
creative work, but we feel we should do something else
instead. As blocked creatives, we focus not on our
responsibilities to ourselves, but on our responsibilities to
others. We tend to think such behavior makes us good
people. It doesn’t. It makes us frustrated people.
The essential element in nurturing our creativity lies in
nurturing ourselves. Through self-nurturance we nurture our
inner connection to the Great Creator. Through this
connection our creativity will unfold. Paths will appear for
us. We need to trust the Great Creator and move out in faith.
Repeat: the Great Creator has gifted us with creativity.
Our gift back is our use of it. Do not let friends squander
your time.
Be gentle but firm, and hang tough. The best thing you
can do for your friends is to be an example through your
own recovery. Do not let their fears and second thoughts
derail you.
Soon enough, the techniques you learn will enable you to
teach others. Soon enough, you will be a bridge that will
allow others to cross over from self-doubt into self-
expression. For right now, protect your artist by refusing to
show your morning pages to interested bystanders or to
share your artist date with friends. Draw a sacred circle
around your recovery. Give yourself the gift of faith. Trust
that you are on the right track. You are.
As your recovery progresses, you will come to experience
a more comfortable faith in your creator and your creator
axel boer
(Axel Boer)