codependency or get yourself to a twelve-step program for
relationship addiction. (Al-Anon and Sex and Love Addicts
Anonymous are two excellent programs for stopping the
crazymaker’s dance.)
The next time you catch yourself saying or thinking, “He/
she is driving me crazy!” ask yourself what creative work
you are trying to block by your involvement.
Now that we have talked about the barrier to recovery others
can present, let us take a look at the inner enemy we harbor
ourselves. Perhaps the greatest barrier for any of us as we
look for an expanded life is our own deeply held skepticism.
This might be called the secret doubt. It does not seem to
matter whether we are officially believers or agnostics. We
have our doubts about all of this creator/creativity stuff, and
those doubts are very powerful. Unless we air them, they
can sabotage us. Many times, in trying to be good sports we
stuff our feelings of doubt. We need to stop doing that and
explore them instead.
To believe in God or in a guiding
force because someone tells you to
is the height of stupidity. We are