Gratitude always, too, to my sister and frequent
collaborator, fine artist and cartoonist Libby Cameron,
whose wit and whimsy allowed me to create additional tools
to support The Artist’s Way. She well knows the truth that
laughter is the best medicine, and helped me in
administering creative first aid with a spoonful of sugar to
make the medicine go down. My deepest thanks for her
inspired work on The Artist’s Date Book, Supplies, God Is
Dog Spelled Backwards, and the upcoming How Not to
Make Art—or anything else that really matters.
My gratitude to Sonia Choquette and Larry Lonergan, for
their love and clarity of vision as I labored to bring into
fruition large dreams from small seeds.
To Edmund Towle and Robert McDonald, for their
creativity and chivalry as they both protected and inspired
me to do all forms of my creative work.
Finally, I wish to thank those who have gone before me
and shown me the path, most especially Julianna McCarthy,
Max Showalter, John Newland, and all who hold a spiritual
lantern to light our Artist’s Way with their artistry and
axel boer
(Axel Boer)