The Artist's Way

(Axel Boer) #1

That is the business of the morning pages: “I, myself, feel
this way ... and that way ... and this way.... No one else need
agree with me, but this is what I feel.”
The process of identifying a self inevitably involves loss
as well as gain. We discover our boundaries, and those
boundaries by definition separate us from our fellows. As
we clarify our perceptions, we lose our misconceptions. As
we eliminate ambiguity, we lose illusion as well. We arrive
at clarity, and clarity creates change.

Eliminate   somethinq   superfluous from    your    life.   Break
a habit. Do something that makes you feel insecure.

“I have outgrown this job,” may appear in the morning
pages. At first, it is a troubling perception. Over time, it
becomes a call for action and then an action plan.
“This marriage is not working for me,” the morning pages
say. And then, “I wonder about couples therapy?” And
then, “I wonder if I’m not just bored with me?”
In addition to posing problems, the pages may also pose
solutions. “I am bored with me. It would be fun to learn
French.” Or, “I noticed a sign just down the block for a clay
and fiber class. That sounds interesting.”
As we notice which friends bore us, which situations
leave us stifled, we are often rocked by waves of sorrow.

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