from overcast to partly cloudy. It is important to know that
no matter which form your growth takes, there is another
kind of change, slower and more subtle, accumulating daily
whether you sense its presence or not.
“Nothing dramatic is happening to me. I don’t think the
process is working,” I have often been told by someone
who from my perspective is changing at the speed of light.
The analogy that I use is that once we engage in the process
of morning pages and artist dates, we begin to move at such
velocity that we do not even realize the pace. Just as
travelers on a jet are seldom aware of their speed unless they
hit a patch of turbulence, so, too, travelers on the Artist’s
Way are seldom aware of the speed of their growth. This is a
form of denial that can tempt us to abort the recovery
process that “isn’t happening” to us. Oh yes it is.
To become truly immortal, a work of art must escape
all human limits: logic and common sense will only
interfere. But once these barriers are broken, it will
enter the realms of childhood visions and dreams.
When we have engaged the creator within to heal us,
many changes and shifts in our attitudes begin to occur. I
enumerate some of them here because many of these will
not be recognizable at first as healing. If fact, they may
seem crazy and even destructive. At best, they will seem