There will be a change in energy patterns. Your dreams
will become stronger and clearer, both by night and by day.
You will find yourself remembering your nighttime dreams,
and by day, daydreams will catch your attention. Fantasy, of
a benign and unexpected sort, will begin to crop up.
Many areas of your life that previously seemed to fit will
stop fitting. Half your wardrobe may start to look funny.
You may decide to reupholster a couch or just toss it out.
Musical bents may alter. There may even be bursts of
spontaneous singing, dancing, running.
You may find your candor unsettling. “I don’t like that” is
a sentence that will leave your mouth. Or “I think that’s
great.” In short, your tastes and judgments and personal
identity will begin to show through.
What you have been doing is wiping the mirror. Each
day’s morning pages take a swipe at the blur you have kept
between you and your real self. As your image becomes
clearer, it may surprise you. You may discover very
particular likes and dislikes that you hadn’t acknowledged.
A fondness for cactuses. So why do I have these pots of
ivy? A dislike for brown. So why do I keep wearing that
sweater if I never feel right in it?
Conditioned as we are to accept other peoples’ definitions
of us, this emerging individuality can seem to us like self-
will run riot. It is not.
The snowflake pattern of your soul is emerging. Each of
us is a unique, creative individual. But we often blur that
axel boer
(Axel Boer)