The Artist's Way

(Axel Boer) #1
It  is  within  my  power   either  to
serve God or not to serve him.
Serving him, I add to my own
good and thegood of the whole
world. Not serving him, I forfeit
my own good and deprive the
world of that good, which was
in my power to create.

If this still sounds airy fairy to you, ask yourself bluntly
what next step you are evading. What dream are you
discounting as impossible given your resources? What
payoff are you getting for remaining stuck at this point in
your expansion?
God as my source is a simple but completely effective
plan for living. It removes negative dependency—and
anxiety—from our lives by assuring us that God will
provide. Our job is to listen for how.
One way we listen is by writing our morning pages. At
night, before we fall asleep, we can list areas in which we
need guidance. In the morning, writing on these same
topics, we find ourselves seeing previously unseen avenues
of approach. Experiment with this two-step process: ask for
answers in the evening; listen for answers in the morning.
Be open to all help.

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