The Artist's Way

(Axel Boer) #1

are on the right track. These crazy notions are actually
voices from our true self. What would I do if it weren’t too

  1. Sign up for scuba lessons.

  2. Take the Latin dancing class at the Y.

  3. . Buy The Poet’s Market and make a submission a

  4. Get the used drum set my cousin is trying to sell.

  5. Call my travel agent and check out France.
    By seeking the creator within and embracing our own gift
    of creativity, we learn to be spiritual in this world, to trust
    that God is good and so are we and so is all of creation. In
    this way, we avoid the Virtue Trap.


  1. The biggest lack in my life
    is_____ .

  2. The greatest joy in my life is

  3. My largest time commitment is

  4. As I play more, I work

  5. I feel guilty that I am

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