You name it. Whether you can draw or not, please
cartoon yourself indulging in it.
- My payoff for staying blocked is ... This you may
want to explore in your morning pages.
- The person I blame for being blocked is ... Again,
use your pages to mull on this.
- How many days this week did you do your morning
pages? Are you starting to like them—at all? How
was the experience for you? Have you discovered
the page-and-a-half truthpoint yet? Many of us find
that pay dirt in our writing occurs after a page and a
half of vamping.
- Did you do your artist date this week? Have you had
the experience of hearing answers during this leisure
time? What did you do for your date? How did it
feel? Have you taken an artist date yet that really felt
adventurous ?
- Did you experience any synchronicity this week?
What was it? Try inaugurating a conversation on
synchronicity with your friends.
- Were there any other issues this week that you
consider significant for your recovery? Describe