The Artist's Way

(Axel Boer) #1


WHEN PEOPLE ASK ME what I do, I usually answer, “I’m
a writer-director and I teach these creativity workshops.”
The last one interests them.
“How can you teach creativity?” they want to know.
Defiance fights with curiosity on their faces.
“I can’t,” I tell them. “I teach people to let themselves be
“Oh. You mean we’re all creative?” Now disbelief and
hope battle it out.
“You really believe that?”
“So what do you do?”
This book is what I do. For a decade now, I have taught a
spiritual workshop aimed at freeing people’s creativity. I
have taught artists and nonartists, painters and filmmakers
and homemakers and lawyers—anyone interested in living
more creatively through practicing an art; even more
broadly, anyone interested in practicing the art of creative
living. While using, teaching, and sharing tools I have
found, devised, divined, and been handed, I have seen
blocks dissolved and lives transformed by the simple
process of engaging the Great Creator in discovering and
recovering our creative powers.

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