The Artist's Way

(Axel Boer) #1

when violated, has the impact of a parental violation. What
we are talking about here is emotional incest.
A trusting student hears from an unscrupulous teacher
that good work is bad or lacks promise or that he, the guru-
teacher, senses a limit to the student’s real talent or was
mistaken in seeing talent, or doubts that there is talent....
Personal in nature, nebulous as to specifics, this criticism is
like covert sexual harassment—a sullying yet hard to
quantify experience. The student emerges shamed, feeling
like a bad artist, or worse, a fool to try.


It has been my perilous privilege over the past decade to
undertake teaching forays into the groves of academia. It is
my experience as a visiting artist that many academics are
themselves artistic beings who are deeply frustrated by their
inability to create. Skilled in intellectual discourse, distanced
by that intellectual skill from their own creative urgings,
they often find the creativity of their charges deeply

Imagination is  more    important   than    knowledge.
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