charge of your creative life, you can easily despair that “my
agent doesn’t do enough” instead of asking what you
yourself might do to hone your craft. Fill the form. What can
you do, right now, in your life as it is currently constituted?
Do that thing.
Take one small daily action instead of indulging in the big
questions. When we allow ourselves to wallow in the big
questions, we fail to find the small answers. What we are
talking about here is a concept of change grounded in
respect—respect for where we are as well as where we wish
to go. We are looking not to grand strokes of change—
although they may come—but instead to the act of
creatively husbanding all that is in the present: this job, this
house, this relationship.
No trumpets sound when the important decisions of
our life are made. Destiny is made known silently.
Recovering creatives commonly undergo bouts of fierce
rage and grief over their lost years. When these creative
kriyas occur, we desperately want to kick over the traces
and get the hell out of life as it is currently constituted.
Instead, make changes, small changes, right where you are.
Fill this form with creative care until it overflows into a
newer, larger form—organically.