an axis of suffering; surely the strange beauty of the
world must somewhere rest on pure joy!
Your block doesn’t want you to see that. Its whole plan of
attack is to make you irrationally afraid of some dire
outcome you are too embarrassed to even mention. You
know rationally that writing or painting shouldn’t be put off
because of your silly fear, but because it is a silly fear, you
don’t air it and the block stays intact. In this way, “You’re a
bad speller” successfully overrides all computer spelling
programs. You know it’s dumb to worry about spelling ... so
you don’t mention it. And since you don’t, it continues to
block you from finding a solution. (Spelling fear is a
remarkably common block.)
In the next part of this week, we will excavate your
unconscious beliefs by using some logic-brain/artist-brain
learning tricks. These may strike you as hokey and
unproductive. Again, that’s resistance. If internalized
negativity is the enemy within, what follows is some very
effective weaponry. Try it before discarding it out of hand.