Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, 23rd Edition

(Chris Devlin) #1



Synaptic & Junctional



After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

Describe the main morphologic features of synapses.

Distinguish between chemical and electrical transmission at synapses.

Define convergence and divergence in neural networks, and discuss their implications.

Describe fast and slow excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, outline the
ionic fluxes that underlie them, and explain how the potentials interact to generate
action potentials.

Define and give examples of direct inhibition, indirect inhibition, presynaptic inhi-
bition, and postsynaptic inhibition.

Describe the neuromuscular junction, and explain how action potentials in the
motor neuron at the junction lead to contraction of the skeletal muscle.

Define and explain denervation hypersensitivity.


The all-or-none type of conduction seen in axons and skeletal

muscle has been discussed in Chapters 4 and 5. Impulses are

transmitted from one nerve cell to another cell at

ure 6–1). These are the junctions where the axon or some other

portion of one cell (the
presynaptic cell
) terminates on the den-

drites, soma, or axon of another neuron (Figure 6–2) or, in some

cases, a muscle or gland cell (the
postsynaptic cell
). Cell-to-cell

communication occurs across either a
electrical syn-

At chemical synapses, a
synaptic cleft
separates the terminal

of the presynaptic cell from the postsynaptic cell. An impulse in

the presynaptic axon causes secretion of a chemical that diffuses

across the synaptic cleft and binds to receptors on the surface of

the postsynaptic cell. This triggers events that open or close chan-

nels in the membrane of the postsynaptic cell. In electrical syn-

apses, the membranes of the presynaptic and postsynaptic

neurons come close together, and gap junctions form between the

cells (see Chapter 2). Like the intercellular junctions in other tis-

sues, these junctions form low-resistance bridges through which

ions can pass with relative ease. There are also a few conjoint syn-

apses in which transmission is both electrical and chemical.

Regardless of the type of synapse, transmission is not a sim-
ple jumping of an action potential from the presynaptic to the
postsynaptic cell. The effects of discharge at individual synaptic
endings can be excitatory or inhibitory, and when the postsyn-
aptic cell is a neuron, the summation of all the excitatory and
inhibitory effects determines whether an action potential is
generated. Thus, synaptic transmission is a complex process
that permits the grading and adjustment of neural activity nec-
essary for normal function. Because most synaptic transmis-
sion is chemical, consideration in this chapter is limited to
chemical transmission unless otherwise specified.
Transmission from nerve to muscle resembles chemical syn-
aptic transmission from one neuron to another. The
cular junction,
the specialized area where a motor nerve
terminates on a skeletal muscle fiber, is the site of a stereotyped
transmission process. The contacts between autonomic neurons
and smooth and cardiac muscle are less specialized, and trans-
mission in these locations is a more diffuse process. These forms
of transmission are also considered in this chapter.
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