Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, 23rd Edition

(Chris Devlin) #1



Neurotransmitters &



After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

List neurotransmitters and the principal sites in the nervous system at which they
are released.

Describe the receptors for catecholamines, acetylcholine, 5-HT, amino acids, and opioids.

Summarize the steps involved in the biosynthesis, release, action, and removal from
the synaptic cleft of the various synaptic transmitters.

Define opioid peptide, list the principal opioid peptides in the body, and name the
precursor molecules from which they originate.


The fact that transmission at most synapses is chemical is of great

physiologic and pharmacologic importance. Nerve endings have

been called biological transducers that convert electrical energy

into chemical energy. In broad terms, this conversion process

involves the synthesis of the
their storage in

synaptic vesicles, and their release by the nerve impulses into the

synaptic cleft. The secreted transmitters then act on appropriate

receptors on the membrane of the postsynaptic cell and are rap-

idly removed from the synaptic cleft by diffusion, metabolism,

and, in many instances, reuptake into the presynaptic neuron.

Some chemicals released by neurons have little or no direct
effects on their own but can modify the effects of neurotransmit-
ters. These chemicals are called
All these pro-
cesses, plus the postreceptor events in the postsynaptic neuron,
are regulated by many physiologic factors and at least in theory
can be altered by drugs. Therefore, pharmacologists (in theory)
should be able to develop drugs that regulate not only somatic
and visceral motor activity but also emotions, behavior, and all
the other complex functions of the brain.




One suspects that a substance is a neurotransmitter if it is un-
evenly distributed in the nervous system and its distribution
parallels that of its receptors and synthesizing and catabolizing
enzymes. Additional evidence includes demonstration that it is
released from appropriate brain regions in vitro and that it pro-
duces effects on single target neurons when applied to their
membranes by means of a micropipette (microiontophoresis).

Many transmitters and enzymes involved in their synthesis and
catabolism have been localized in nerve endings by
a technique in which antibodies to a given sub-
stance are labeled and applied to brain and other tissues. The
antibodies bind to the substance, and the location of the sub-
stance is then determined by locating the label with the light mi-
croscope or electron microscope.
In situ hybridization
which permits localization of the mRNAs for
particular synthesizing enzymes or receptors, has also been a
valuable tool.
Identified neurotransmitters and neuromodulators can be
divided into two major categories: small-molecule transmitters
and large-molecule transmitters. Small-molecule transmitters
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