Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, 23rd Edition

(Chris Devlin) #1
Overview of Cellular Physiology in Medical Physiology 35

rest of the cytoplasm, and external material such as endocy-
tosed bacteria, as well as worn-out cell components, are di-
gested in them. The interior is kept acidic by the action of a
proton pump,

  • , ATPase.
    This integral membrane pro-
    tein uses the energy of ATP to move protons from the cytosol
    up their electrochemical gradient and keep the lysosome rela-
    tively acidic, near pH 5.0. Lysosomes can contain over 40 types
    of hydrolytic enzymes, some of which are listed in Table 2–1.
    Not surprisingly, these enzymes are all acid hydrolases, in that
    they function best at the acidic pH of the lysosomal compart-
    ment. This can be a safety feature for the cell; if the lysosome
    were to break open and release its contents, the enzymes
    would not be efficient at the near neutral cytosolic pH (7.2),
    and thus would be unable to digest cytosolic enzymes they
    may encounter. Diseases associated with lysosomal dysfunc-
    tion are discussed in Clinical Box 2–1.


Peroxisomes are 0.5
m in diameter, are surrounded by a
membrane, and contain enzymes that can either produce
or break it down
Proteins are di-
rected to the peroxisome by a unique signal sequence with the
help of protein chaperones,
The peroxisome mem-
brane contains a number of peroxisome-specific proteins that
are concerned with transport of substances into and out of the
matrix of the peroxisome. The matrix contains more than 40
enzymes, which operate in concert with enzymes outside the
peroxisome to catalyze a variety of anabolic and catabolic re-
actions (eg, breakdown of lipids). Peroxisomes can form by
budding of endoplasmic reticulum, or by division. A number
of synthetic compounds were found to cause proliferation of
peroxisomes by acting on receptors in the nuclei of cells. These
peroxisome proliferation activated receptors (PPARs)
members of the nuclear receptor superfamily. When activat-
ed, they bind to DNA, producing changes in the production of
mRNAs. The known effects for PPARs are extensive and can
affect most tissues and organs.


All cells have a
a system of fibers that not only
maintains the structure of the cell but also permits it to change
shape and move. The cytoskeleton is made up primarily of
crotubules, intermediate filaments,
(Figure 2–5), along with proteins that anchor them and tie
them together. In addition, proteins and organelles move
along microtubules and microfilaments from one part of the
cell to another, propelled by molecular motors.
(Figures 2–5 and 2–6) are long, hollow struc-
tures with 5-nm walls surrounding a cavity 15 nm in diame-
ter. They are made up of two globular protein subunits:

  • and
    -tubulin. A third subunit,
    -tubulin, is associated with
    the production of microtubules by the centrosomes. The
    subunits form heterodimers, which aggregate to form
    long tubes made up of stacked rings, with each ring usually
    containing 13 subunits. The tubules interact with GTP to
    facilitate their formation. Although microtubule subunits can
    be added to either end, microtubules are polar with assembly
    predominating at the “+” end and disassembly predominating
    at the “–” end. Both processes occur simultaneously in vitro.
    The growth of microtubules is temperature sensitive (disas-
    sembly is favored under cold conditions) as well as under the
    control of a variety of cellular factors that can directly interact
    with microtubules in the cell.
    Because of their constant assembly and disassembly, micro-
    tubules are a dynamic portion of the cell skeleton. They provide
    the tracks along which several different molecular motors move
    transport vesicles, organelles such as secretory granules, and
    mitochondria, from one part of the cell to another. They also
    form the spindle, which moves the chromosomes in mitosis.
    Cargo can be transported in either direction on microtubules.
    There are several drugs available that disrupt cellular func-
    tion through interaction with microtubules. Microtubule
    assembly is prevented by colchicine and vinblastine. The anti-
    cancer drug
    paclitaxel (Taxol)
    binds to microtubules and

Some of the enzymes found in lysosomes
and the cell components that are their substrates.

Enzyme Substrate
Ribonuclease RNA
Deoxyribonuclease DNA
Phosphatase Phosphate esters
Glycosidases Complex carbohydrates; glycosides and
Arylsulfatases Sulfate esters
Collagenase Collagens
Cathepsins Proteins


Lysosomal Diseases
When a lysosomal enzyme is congenitally absent, the lyso-
somes become engorged with the material the enzyme
normally degrades. This eventually leads to one of the
somal storage diseases.
For example,
-galactosidase A
deficiency causes Fabry disease, and
dase deficiency causes Gaucher disease. These diseases are
rare, but they are serious and can be fatal. Another example
is the lysosomal storage disease called Tay–Sachs disease,
which causes mental retardation and blindness. Tay–Sachs
is caused by the loss of hexosaminidase A, a lysosomal en-
zyme that catalyzes the biodegradation of gangliosides
(fatty acid derivatives).
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