Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, 23rd Edition

(Chris Devlin) #1



Immunity, Infection,

& Inflammation


After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

Understand the significance of immunity, particularly with respect to defending
the body against microbial invaders.

Define the circulating and tissue cell types that contribute to immune and inflam-
matory responses.

Describe how phagocytes are able to kill internalized bacteria.

Identify the functions of hematopoietic growth factors, cytokines, and chemokines.

Delineate the roles and mechanisms of innate, acquired, humoral, and cellular im-

Understand the basis of inflammatory responses and wound healing.


As an open system, the body is continuously called upon to

defend itself from potentially harmful invaders such as bacte-

ria, viruses, and other microbes. This is accomplished by the

immune system, which is subdivided into innate and adaptive

(or acquired) branches. The immune system is composed of

specialized effector cells that sense and respond to foreign

antigens and other molecular patterns not found in human

tissues. Likewise, the immune system clears the body’s own

cells that have become senescent or abnormal, such as cancer

cells. Finally, occasionally, normal host tissues become the

subject of inappropriate immune attack, such as in autoim-

mune diseases or in settings where normal cells are harmed as
innocent bystanders when the immune system mounts an
inflammatory response to an invader. It is beyond the scope of
this volume to provide a full treatment of all aspects of mod-
ern immunology. Nevertheless, the student of physiology
should have a working knowledge of immune functions and
their regulation, due to a growing appreciation for the ways in
which the immune system can contribute to normal physio-
logical regulation in a variety of tissues, as well as contribu-
tions of immune effectors to pathophysiology.


Many immune effector cells circulate in the blood as the white
blood cells. In addition, the blood is the conduit for the pre-
cursor cells that eventually develop into the immune cells of
the tissues. The circulating immunologic cells include
locytes (polymorphonuclear leukocytes, PMNs),
neutrophils, eosinophils,
basophils; lymphocytes;

Immune responses in the tissues are further am-
plified by these cells following their extravascular migration,
as well as tissue
(derived from monocytes) and
mast cells
(related to basophils). Acting together, these cells
provide the body with powerful defenses against tumors and
viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections.
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