10 Gulliver’s Travels
Chapter V
The author at his master’s command, informs him of the state
of England. The causes of war among the princes of Europe.
The author begins to explain the English constitution.
he reader may please to observe, that the following
extract of many conversations I had with my master,
contains a summary of the most material points which were
discoursed at several times for above two years; his hon-
our often desiring fuller satisfaction, as I farther improved
in the Houyhnhnm tongue. I laid before him, as well as I
could, the whole state of Europe; I discoursed of trade and
manufactures, of arts and sciences; and the answers I gave
to all the questions he made, as they arose upon several sub-
jects, were a fund of conversation not to be exhausted. But
I shall here only set down the substance of what passed be-
tween us concerning my own country, reducing it in order
as well as I can, without any regard to time or other circum-
stances, while I strictly adhere to truth. My only concern
is, that I shall hardly be able to do justice to my master’s
arguments and expressions, which must needs suffer by my
want of capacity, as well as by a translation into our barba-
rous English.
In obedience, therefore, to his honour’s commands, I re-