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[1] A stang is a pole or perch; sixteen feet and a half.
[2] An act of parliament has been since passed by which
some breaches of trust have been made capital.
[3] Britannia.—Sir W. Scott.
[4] London.—Sir W. Scott.
[5] This is the revised text adopted by Dr. Hawksworth
(1766). The above paragraph in the original editions (1726)
takes another form, commencing:- ‘I told him that should I
happen to live in a kingdom where lots were in vogue,’ &c.
The names Tribnia and Langdon an not mentioned, and
the ‘close stool’ and its signification do not occur.
[6] This paragraph is not in the original editions.
[7] The original editions and Hawksworth’s have Rother-
hith here, though earlier in the work, Redriff is said to
have been Gulliver’s home in England.