A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

2 km; i.e., However,therewill be no forceacting on the
Earth. Thesystem (Earth + surroundingair) is no longer symmetric (see
FigureS.4.3a). Thesymmetricsystem would be the onewith no air on
the opposite side of theEarth(seeFigureS.4.3b).Therefore, there will be
a force between this additional air, which can be treated as a “negative”
mass, and theEarth(seeFigure S.4.3c):

where and are the mass and radius of theEarth,respectively, and
G is the gravitationalconstant. So, the Archimedesforce is completely
canceled by thegravitational forcefrom theair. Perhapsthat is why the
Baron shelved his idea.

4.4 Railway Tanker (Moscow Phys-Tech)

The new equilibriumpressure of the gaswill be thesamethroughout the
tanker,whereas thetemperatureacross itslength will vary: higher at the


to find theforce

where we approximate theacceleration due togravity as constant up to
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