A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

air molecules isabout Therefore, there are very fewcollisions
between themoleculesthattravel from one wall of the thermos to the other.
We can assumethat we are in the Knudsenregime of ( is the distance
between thewalls). In thisregime thethermalconductance is proportional
to the pressure (if it isindependent ofthe pressure). Let usassume
that after amolecule strikes the wall, it acquires the temperature of the
wall. Initiallyafter ithits the wall,a molecule willtakeaway the energy

where we can take for air The number ofmoleculesstriking
the inner wallper timeinterval dt is

where is the concentration ofmolecules and istheiraverage velocity
(seeProblem 4.14). The power due to thethermalconductance is

We can substitute and


So, we can see thatradiationloss has about the sameorder ofmagnitude as
thermal conductance at these parameters. Therefore the properties of the
thermos can only beimprovedsignificantly bydecreasingboth theemissiv-
ity and the residual pressure between thewalls. The energy dissipated is
equal to theenergy change of the mass of the tea:

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