A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

Substituting (S.4.20.3) into (S.4.20.2), we obtain

Assuming that theacceleration ofgravity is constant, using the hydrostatic

and substituting(S.4.20.5) into(S.4.20.4), wecan write

b) For the atmosphere,usingdiatomicmolecules with and
we havefrom(S.4.20.6),

This value of isabout a factor of 2 larger than that for theactual

4.21 Atmospheric Energy (Rutgers)

a) Again startingwith theideal gas law

we have

b) The gravitationalenergy of aslice ofatmosphere ofcrosssectionAand
thickness at a height is simply

while the internalenergy of thesame slice is
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