A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

Substituting dVfrom(S.4.34.2) and from(S.4.34.3) into(S.4.34.1), we


When (S.4.34.5)becomes

Ideal Gas and Classical Statistics

4.35 Poisson Distribution in Ideal Gas (Colorado)

The probability of finding aparticularmolecule in a volumeVis

The probability of findingNmarked molecules in a volume Vis

Similarly, the probability of finding oneparticularmolecule outside of the
volume Vis

and for particularmoleculesoutsideV,

Therefore, the probability of finding any molecules in a volumeVis
the product of the twoprobabilities(S.4.35.1) and(S.4.35.2) weighted by
the number of combinations forsuch aconfiguration:


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