A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

4.4 3 Diatomic Molecules in Two Dimensions

a) The partitionfunction may be calculated in theusual way by multi-
plying the individual Boltzmann factors by their degeneracies and summing:

This isdifficult tosum, but we mayconsider theintegral instead, given the
assumption that

b) The energy and heat capacityof the set ofdiatomicmoleculesdescribed
above may be determined from the partitionfunction for theset:

where the N-fold product has been divided by the number of permutations
of theNindistinguishablemolecules. Recallthat

We then find that

Again, for theheat capacity is

A diatomic rotor inthreedimensions would havecontributions to theenergy
of per degree of freedom. Three degrees oftranslation and two
degrees ofrotation(assumingnegligibleinertia perpendicular toits length)
gives for one molecule

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