A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

Thisresult can be immediatelyobtained if weconsider the process as a
“chemical” reaction


For chemicalequilibrium

Since, for photons, we have

where is thechemicalpotential of anideal gas (seepart(e)).Thisresult
gives us (S.4.74.13).

e) Pair creation andannihilation can bewritten in the form

The chemicalpotential of the photon gas is zero(since thenumber ofpho-
tons is not constant but is defined by equilibrium conditions). Therefore,
we have forprocess(S.4.74.14) inequilibrium:

where and are the chemicalpotentials of electrons and positrons,
respectively. If we disregard the walls ofthe box and assume thatthere are
no electrons inside the box initially,then the number of electronsequals
the number of positrons, and Wethen find for the number of
electrons (positrons)

where the factor 2 comesfrom thedouble degeneracy of the electron gas
and we set The energy may be written
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