A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

Disregarding the 1 in the denominator of(S.4.74.16) andexpanding the
square rootwithrespect to the small parameter for
we obtain, from(S.4.74.16),

where we set We then findthat theconcentrations are


Alternatively, we can take anapproach similar to the one in(d). Using the
formula for thechemicalpotential of anideal gas (seeProblem4.39)gives

We can immediatelywrite

to obtain thesameresult in(S.4.74.18) and (S.4.74.19).

f) For the electrons are highly relativistic, and we canwrite
in (S.4.74.16). Then

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