A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

as the mass of the neutrinodecreases. Equating the kineticenergyfrom
(a) with(S.4.79.6), we see

c) Substituting(S.4.79.4) into (S.4.79.7), wedetermine that

This value is at least anorder ofmagnitude largerthan anyexperimental
results for neutrinomasses,implyingthat themodeldoes notexplain the
manner in which Draco is held together (see also D. W. Sciama, Modern
Cosmology and the Dark Matter Problem).

4.80 Einstein Coefficients (Stony Brook)

a) At equilibrium the ratesof excitation out of and back tostate 1should
be equal, so

Substituting(P.4.80.1),(P.4.80.2), and (P.4.80.3) into(S.4.80.1) gives

We may find theratio ofthe populationsfrom(S.4.80.2) to be

b) At thermal equilibrium the population of the upper stateshould be
smallerthan that of thelowerstate by the Boltzmann factor so

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