A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

ForBandMsmall we may rearrange (S.4.87.4),yielding

where Thedivergence of at indicates theonset of
ferromagnetism. Thespins will alignspontaneously in theabsence of an
appliedmagnetic field atthistemperature.

4.88 Spin Waves in Ferromagnets (Princeton,

Quantumspins havethe commutationrelations

a) The time dependences of thespins are given by theequations of motion:

b) The classicalspin field at point is In thesimplecubic lattice
the six neighboring latticesites are at the points where is
or We expand the sum in a Taylor series, assuming that is a small
number,and find
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