A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

4.98 Schottky Defects (Michigan State, MIT)

WhenNatoms are displaced to thesurface, they leave thesamenumber
of vacancies. Nowthere areNvacancies and atoms in lattice
points. Theentropy asa function ofNis

where we have used Stirling’s formula

The freeenergy may bewritten

The minimum of thefreeenergy can befound to be


general, but since and thenumber ofdefects it can

Since we have

which iswhat onewould expect.

4.99 Frenkel Defects (Colorado, MIT)

We assumethat the number ofdefectscreatedaround one latticesite does
not affect theprocess ofcreating new defects. In otherwords, all configu-
rations of thesystem areindependent(not a very realisticassumption in

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