A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1


The condition implies that andtherefore

4.100 Two-Dimensional Debye Solid (Columbia,

a) The number of normalmodes in the 2Dsolidwithin theinterval of a
wavevector may bewritten

In the 2D solidthere areonly two independentpolarizations of theexcita-
tions, one longitudinaland one transverse.Therefore,

where is the average velocity of sound. To find the Debye frequency
we use the standard assumption that the integralof (S.4.100.2)from 0 to
a certain cut-off frequency is equal to the total number of vibrational
modes; i.e.,


We can express through

Then (S.4.100.2) becomes
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