A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

5.40 Circle with Field (Colorado, Michigan State)

The perturbation is if weassume the field is in the
The same result is obtained if we assume theperturbation is
in the In order to doperturbationtheory,
we need tofind the matrix element of theperturbationbetweendifferent
eigenstates. For first-order perturbation theory we need

The eigenvalues areunchanged to first-order in the fieldE.
To do second-orderperturbationtheory, weneedoff-diagonalmatrix

If we recall that then we see that can only
equal for theintegral to benonzero. Indoing second-orderperturbation
theory for thestate theonlypermissibleintermediatestates are

Thissolution isvalid forstates For the ground state,with
the state does not exist, so the answer is

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