A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

5.69 Scattering from Neutral Charge Distribution

a) The particle scatters from thepotential energy which is related to
the chargedistribution

where is the Fourier transform of and is theFourier trans-
form of The differentialcrosssection in theBorn approximation is

b) In forwardscattering we take In order that thecross sectionhave
a nondivergent result inthis limit, we need to find

To obtain this result, we examinethe behavior of at small values of

Consider the three terms inbrackets: (i) the 1 vanishes since the dis-
tribution is neutral; (ii) thesecondtermvanishes since thedistribution
is sphericallysymmetric; (iii) the last term gives an angular average
and the integral of isA.The crosssection in forward
scattering is

c) The charges in a hydrogen atom are thenucleus, which is taken as a
deltafunction at the origin, and the electron, which is given by thesquare

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