A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

5.5 Two Delta Function Potentials (Rutgers)

A particle ofmass moves in aone-dimensionalpotential of theform

where P is a positive dimensionless constant and has units of length.
Discuss the bound states of this potential as a function of P.

5.6 Transmission Through a Delta Function Potential
(Michigan State, MIT, Princeton)

A particle of mass moves in one dimension where the only potential
is at the origin with A free particle of wave vector
approaches the origin from the left. Derive an expression for the amplitude
T of the transmitted wave as a function of C, and

5.7 Delta Function in a Box (MIT)

A particle of mass is confined to a box, in one dimension, between
and the box has walls of infinite potential. An attractive delta

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