A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

At the system is instate Derive the probabilitythat at any
later time it is in state

5.29 Rotating Spin (Maryland, MIT)

A spin-1/2particle interactswith amagneticfield through the
Pauli interaction where is the magnetic moment and
are the Pauli spin matrices. At a measurement determines
that thespin ispointing along the positive What is the probability
that it will be pointing along the negative at a later time

5.30 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Princeton, Stony

A spin-1/2 nucleus is placed in a large magnetic field in the
An oscillating field ofradiofrequency isapplied in the
so the total magnetic field is

The Hamiltonian is where is the magnetic moment. Use the

a) If the nucleus is initiallypointing in the at what
is the probability that it points in the at later times?
b) Discuss why most NMR experiments adjust so that

Variational Calculations

5.31 Anharmonic Oscillator (Tennessee)

Use variational methods in one dimension to estimate the ground state
energy of a particle of mass in a potential

5.32 Linear Potential I (Tennessee)

A particle of mass is bound in one dimension by the potential
where F is a constant. Use variational methods to estimate the energy
of the ground state.

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