
(Jacob Rumans) #1

Glissade``````The snowfield on the southside of Mt. Alice (Boulder-Grand Pass) offers hikerstwo options: Purposefullybutt-slide down, or end upthat way by circumstanceand gravity. Brush up on yourglissading at, then let it rip.``````DO ITTRAILHEAD40.207940, -105.566536;5 miles west of Allensparkoff CO 115 SEASON Julythrough October; the aspensturn in late September.PERMIT Required ($26)CUSTOM MAP ($15)CONTACT``````GET CRAFTY.Embrace the spirit of Halloween in campthis month. All you need is an acorn, aknife, a little manual dexterity, and boom, somefestive decor for your backcountry pad.``````1 Pop that top.Using your thumb, apply upwardpressure on your acorn to remove the cupule.2 De-cap it.The ’corn has a softer “plug” beneaththe top. Use your knife to remove it.3 Expand the opening.Just like its pumpkin``````around the opening like you’re paring fruit.4 Carve out the meat.junk inside. Blow to remove the fuzz.5 Blueprint.tip of your knife.6 Dig in.Start whittling! The eyes should``````using a serrated knife if you have one; it cutsagainst the grain easier.7 Party in the back.intake for a flame quite yet, so carve a pencileraser-size hole in the back of your nut.8 Add light.your lighter to make the face glow.9 Prove it. Tag your ’grams #bpacorn to befeatured in a future issue.``````LogsScan undermossy deadfall.``````RocksTurn over partiallysubmerged, medium-sizeboulders*.``````RifflesLift up small rocks inthe level area above smallwaterfalls.``````CrevicesShine your headlamp intocracks between rocks.``````Wate r ’s e d geShift fist-size cobbles in thecalmer water near the bank.``````*If you move anything, besure to put it back where youfound it—it’s the LNT way.``````Trip statsDistance: 17.6 miles(lollipop-loop)Time: 2 or 3 daysDifficulty:``````1``````28``````1TH2``````3``````4``````5``````678``````Mt. Alice looms abovethe twin Lion Lakes.``````3``````4``````5``````7``````8``````13,310-ftMt. Alice``````Wild BasinTrail``````Thunder LakeTrail``````Lion Lake Trail``````Find amphibians.This month, salamanders and newts come to the water’s edgeto breed, which makes them easier to find—if you know where tolook. Learn where to find the amphibians with our primer below.Note: Don’t touch. Salamanders breathe through their skin, andthe oils on your fingers can be harmful.9Thunder LakeTrail

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