THE NOSE OF MY canoe splits the water,sending a slow-moving wake throughthe reflection of the red-and-yellowfoliage. I paddle through the mosaic ofcolor, around lazy horseshoe bends, andpast intricate beaver dams as loons divebeneath my boat. I feel charmed to get toexperience the Adirondacks in their peakbeauty this October, but then, a bright-orange sign slung across the river on arusty chain sucks the magic right out.NO TRESPASSING. VIOLATORS WILLBE PROSECUTED.The âDaks are a big place, a 6-million-acre patchwork of state-protected``````public land and private property thatencompasses 3,000 lakes and 30,000miles of rivers. If it was a bowl of cereal,the public areas would be the milk and theprivate the Cheerios: Even if you startand end a paddle on public land, itâs nearlyimpossible to stay within those bounds.But that shouldnât really matter becausea piece of state common law from the1800s technically gives boaters the rightto move freely on any waterway, publicor private.The edict isnât unique: Laws grantingpublic right to rivers date as far backas 1250 in England. In one of its firstofficial acts, the U.S. Congress passedsuch a law that stated that âthe navigablewaters leading into the Mississippi andSt. Lawrence... shall be commonhighways, and forever free to the citizensof the United States.âBut some landownersâoften thedescendants of 19th-century tycoonsâare testing those rights, and in at leastone case in the Adirondacks, theyâveproven that theyâre more than willingto take trespassing paddlers to court.The argument? The law was written tokeep the waterways open to regionalcommerce, which at the time meantmoving lumber and pelts to market. Asif they would instead welcome paddlerspushing hundreds of tree trunksdown the river, landowners argue thatrecreationists silently coasting through``````waters in the far corners of theirestates donât fulfill the purpose of the law.Except, maybe they do.These landowners seem to beoverlooking the fact that timber and furare no longer the main economic pillars inthe Empire Stateâtourism and recreationare. In fact, that tandem accounts for alarger percentage of total jobs than anyother part of New Yorkâs economy. Inthe midst of a campaign to highlight theregion, Governor Andrew Cuomo recentlytouted the 12 million annual visitors to theAdirondacks, and the $1.3 billion industrythat they support.Unfortunately, New York âs highestcourt doesnât see it that way. When aseven-year-long lawsuit filed by theowner of a 40-square-mile slice of pristineAdirondack forest finally went beforethe Court of Appeals in 2016, the judgesconcluded there wasnât enough evidenceto rule. Sure, they didnât rule against thepaddler, but their decision effectivelyfreed up landowners to try again.A lot has changed in the Empire State inthe past 200 years, but waterâs importanceas a regional highway hasnâtâeven ifthe goods being transported look a littledifferent. Boaters today continue to keepthe Adirondacks afloat, and thatâs exactlywhat the law was intended to protect.But if the landowners donât agree,maybe we should all tie a log to the backsof our canoes and call it even. â
Free FlowThe best way to leaf-peep is byboatâas long as you donât endup in court. BY RYAN WICHELNS
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