
(Jacob Rumans) #1

26 0X.201XPHOTO BY TKcheat sheetskills26 10.2017Conquer Slot CanyonsYou don’t need a rope and harness to explore nature’s labyrinths. Fall is prime time in canyon country—take advantage ofthe dry weather and take your hiking to a new level. B Y M A D I S A LVAT I``````ILLUSTRATION BY GIOVANNI CORRADO LEONE``````THE EXPERT Brett Sutteer, owner and executive director at Moab Cliff s and Canyons, guides trips all over the world. He’s steered hundreds offi rst-time canyoneers through Utah’s slots and knows the terrain by heart—so much so that he was hired to do stunt work in the movie 127 Hours.WATCH THE WEATHERYears of fl ash fl ooding give slots their polished beauty, but that’s not aprocess you want to see fi rsthand. Monsoons typically occur from June toAugust in the Southwest, so fall hikers should be in the clear. Still, selectcanyons with multiple bail-out points, and check the forecast before you go.Even faraway storms can feed your slot’s drainage, so postpone the hike ifyou expect rainfall upcanyon. Mid-hike and feeling raindrops? Get out of theslot before the fl oods start. To o l a t e?Find high ground sheltered from fallingand current-driven rocks and debris.THE STARTER KITEven when routes requiring ropes aren’t on themenu, you still need canyon-specifi c gear. Here’syour packing list for hiker-friendly slots.``````Sturdy shoes Opt for closed toes and grippysoles that can take a beating (think approachshoes or tight-lacing boots). Quick-dry modelswithout a waterproof membrane are a plus.Dry bags Protect your gear against watercrossings with a roll-top like the NRS HydrolockDry Sack.Cordage Bring 20 to 30 feet of 7mmcordelette to set up hand lines and lower gear.Helmet Protect your cranium from rockfallwith a climbing helmet. Folks new tochimneying should consider adding knee pads.Sun protection Most slots are in the desert.Plan accordingly.``````MAKE THE GRADELearn the slot canyon rating system andselect a route that’s right for your abilities.``````Example Wild Horse Canyon (2AII),San Rafael Swell, Eastern Reef, UT2 A IIBUST A MOVEKeep your feet above pooled water, cross deep potholes, and navigate short,steep drops in tight canyons with these techniques.BridgingDescend into or traversewide, fl aring slots bybracing your handsand feet on oppositewalls. Keep three pointsof contact and avoidfl attening out, which takesmore energy.``````Don’t get too technical abovea sketchy landing. More thana few feet of air beneath you?Find a safer route.StemmingFor canyons 3 to 4 feet wide,put one hand and one foot oneach side and apply pressure towork your way up or down.ChimneyingFor skinnier slots, use the counter-pressure of your back against yourfeet or knees on the opposite wall.Keep your butt higher than your thighsto avoid getting stuck. Pack in theway? Lower it with cordage or hang itfrom a line tied around your waist.``````Te c h n i c a lclassSCALE 1 to 4``````Class 2indicatesbasiccanyoneering.In Wild Horse,expect toscrambleover someslickrock. Norope required.``````Presenceof waterSCALE A to C``````A indicates dryland or easywading. Hereyou have oneor two puddlecrossings inwet years.``````CommitmentgradeSCALE I to VI``````II indicates acouple hoursto half a day.Wild Horseusually takesaround threehours.!

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