
(Jacob Rumans) #1

us quiet, but we’d found arhythm to our pace.A strong breeze pickedup. With sunglasses andscarves protecting our facesfrom the blowing sand, weslogged on. At the top, wegazed out over the valley,the dunes, and the distantpeaks. Before I could gettoo absorbed in the beauty,though, I spotted somethingorange rolling across thesand below: our tent.We stood there for amoment, saucer-eyed.Then we both raced intoaction, booking it downthe hill in our stocking feet.We laughed, stumblingand catching up to the tent.It was the kind of blunderold friends reminisce aboutyears later.From then on, we wereunited, a team against allnature could throw at us.When the whiskey came outthat night, we skipped thesmall talk and dove straightinto personal stories—placeswe used to live, girls we used``````to date. Conversation cameeasy now that we’d sufferedan ordeal together.Ever y thing was per fect—until Justin fell asleep. Hesnored like a buzz saw.Should I nudge himawake? Whisper in his ear?We were close now, butnot that close. I gave hima quick jab with my elbow,then snapped back andpretended to be asleep.It worked. He rolled overwithout a word.The next morning wesat huddled together tokeep the wind from blowingout the stove. I asked himhow he slept.“Good,” he said.“Did I snore?”“A little. But it didn’tbother me,” I lied.“You know, you couldhave just asked me to rollover.” He was laughing.We’re already talkingabout planning another trip.But next time Justin’s notavailable? Well, I could justask anyone. ■``````PA S SWilderness is a strong glue, and it can turn strangers with ashared passion into fast friends.``````THE VERDICTSTRANGER HIKING 101BE SAFELeave word with someoneat home about your newfriend and whereabouts.First and last name are agood start.``````CAST THE NETMeetup groups, onlineforums, and apps likeGociety can help youconnect with otheroutdoor enthusiasts.Results may vary.``````ASK QUESTIONSFigure out your partner’sexperience level. Make``````sure you have similargoals for the trip.``````FIND YOURCOMFORT ZONENot ready to committo a one-on-one? Testout the waters with anew acquaintance byincluding him or her in adayhike or group outing.``````DON’T BE SHYKeep an open mind—youcan learn a lot from aperson even if he or shedoesn’t become your newbest friend.``````Available in 5 colors``````SIPSAFELETS THE GOOD STUFF THROUGHDo good. Sip Safe.Conquer the trail at YOURSELFIN NATURE.JUST BE SMARTABOUT IT.

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