
(Jacob Rumans) #1

Camp Hash Browns``````Pack a grater and enjoy crispy breakfast fare miles fromthe nearest diner. Serves 2 to 3``````2 medium russet potatoes2 Tbsp. canola oil½ cup onion, dicedsalt and pepper, to tastehot sauce, to taste``````AT HOME­ Pack all ingredients separately.``````IN CAMP­ Grate potatoes into bowl of cold water. Let soak fi ve minutes anddrain, using a paper towel or camp towel to squeeze excess water from potatoes.Heat oil over medium-high heat in a skillet. Add onion and potatoes and cook 5minutes or until bottom is browned and crispy. Season generously with saltand pepper and fl ip. Cook until both sides are brown and potatoes are tender.Serve with hot sauce.``````COAL-POWERED COOKINGAchieve the right heat for that perfect potato.``````For hot, long-lasting coals, throw hardwood logs the thickness of your wrist on the fi re. Wait for the fl ames to die down (up to anhour). Coals should be white-hot with glowing centers. To test the heat, hold your hand a few inches away—you should be ableto hold it still for a second or two before it’s too hot to stand (don’t burn yourself). Find a nook for your foil-clad food betweencoals and logs, but keep it out of direct fl ame.The most inspiring moments come throughsimple and unexpected discoveries—like hikingin Glacier National Park, just 30 minutes fromWhitefi sh, Montana. Photo © Noah Couser

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