
(Jacob Rumans) #1

How can I build a signalfire that will actually catchsomeone’s attention?—Jackie Nguyen``````The trick is to build a platformto maximize airflow underyour fire. Scout out a hilltopclearing and clear the groundaround your chosen site.Then find three sturdy stickswith forks at their ends andmidpoints. Make a teepeeso the tops interlock. (Failedwoodshop? Tie them upwith p-cord.) Nestle threemore sticks into the middleforks to brace the structure(picture the lateral stretchersbetween chair legs), andlay green wood across the``````braces to make a shelf. Anysearches will start 12 to 24hours after you go missing,so wait at least a day to light.Drape evergreen branchesor wet leaves over the flameto get it smoking. Plastic,duct tape, and peat moss willdarken smoke to better catchsearchers’ attention. Nightfalling? Ditch the greenery—a flame will be more visiblethan smoke, and leaves willblock the glow.``````Does a bear can’s expirationdate really matter?—Scott McLeod``````You pay attention to theexpiration date on your milk,``````right? Better do the same foryour bear spray. Pressurizedgasses seep out of theircontainers over time, so whileexpired spray might “work,”it’s not as effective asintended—and facing down acharging bear is no time tosettle for “maybe goodenough.” Check your canisterfor an expiration date (usuallythree to four years after thecan’s manufacture), buy newwhen time’s up, and don’t``````bother testing at home: Mostare vetted in the factory, andextra testing is a waste ofammo. Stuck with an expiredcan? It won’t spray as far or aslong, so do your best to boostthe odds: Keep the wind atyour back and don’t pull thetrigger until the bear is withinrange—about 20 feet away.``````Got a question for DenMother? Email it [email protected].Smoke SignalsYou don’t have time to waste on dinky signal fires orweak bear spray. Den Mother shows you how to getdown to business.den mother,Discover more solutions at NITEIZE.COM/CAMPINGDISCOVER NITE IZE.DISCOVER YOUR SOLUTION.

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