
(Jacob Rumans) #1

48 06.2016Basecamp the right way: at this1971 cabin on the edge of a bowloverlooking Alaska’s Talkeetnas.Aft er an 8-mile approach overmoss-carpeted meadows, pastsilver ribbons of snowmelt, andunder the cabin’s namesake MintSpires, you’re in position for anynumber of adventures. Link upwith the Bomber Hut for a 16-mileror explore the Mint Glacier, just .5mile from your doorstep. Or, youknow, just hang at Mint; there’s atwo-burner stove (BYO white gas),a composting toilet (named “DarthVader”), and room for eight.Trailhead Gold Mint SeasonYear-round (ski in winter andspring) Amenities Sleeping pads;two-burner stove; cookwareReservation First-come, fi rst-serve; you must be a member ofthe Mountaineering Club of Alaska($20/person annually)

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