
(Jacob Rumans) #1

BACKPACKER.COM 55EASE INTO THE BACKCOUNTRYFROST MOUNTAIN YURTSBROWNFIELD, MAINE``````As far as we can tell, only two types of peoplestay at huts located less than a quarter-milefrom the trailhead: those with kids and thosewho don’t want to skimp on luxuries. Eitherway, the four Frost Mountain Yurts deliver inspades. Each shelter sleeps about six, has aChopped-worthy kitchen (including a grill), awood-burning stove, and, best of all, a solarshower. The front-door access to easy hikingisn’t half-bad, either: Hit the FrostMountain Summer Trail, which heads1 mile south to the top of its 1,225-footnamesake, where views stretch allthe way to the White Mountains.``````Trailhead Frost Mountain ParkingArea Season Year-round (snowshoein winter) Amenities Bunks with mat-tresses; futons; wood-burning stove;gas grill; cookware Reservation$105/night; reserve online``````Key Hut GearMake good use of all thenewfound empty space inyour pack with these picks.``````Earplugs``````Flip-flops (downbooties in winter)``````Games (Cards AgainstHumanity is always acrowd-pleaser)``````French press``````Flask of your favoriteadult beverage``````Cone filter to removepine needles and otherdebris from snowmelt``````Bluetooth speaker``````Pillowcase``````ASSUME THE THRONELAKES OF THE CLOUDS HUTWHITE MOUNTAIN NATIONALFOREST, NEW HAMPSHIRE``````From the AMC’s highest hut, you’re just1.5 miles from the top of 6,288-foot Mt.Washington. Get to Lakes of the Cloudsvia a 7-miler on the Crawford Path, thenuse the hut to stage a less committingsummit bid or to lay low if the peak’slegendary weather threatens. Of course,``````you can always sit back and enjoy thevirtues of AMC huts—warm beds, home-cooked meals, hiker camaraderie—witha side of long-range views. Just remem-ber to tip the croo.``````Trailhead Crawford Season June 1 toSeptember 16 (no self-service) Ame-nities Bunks with mattresses; mealsprepared by live-in staff; running waterReservations $113/night; Contact outdoors.orgContinue .7 mile on theDoyles River Trail fromthe cabin to see the30-foot upper falls.The hut nestles in the colbetween Mts. Washingtonand Monroe.

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