
(Jacob Rumans) #1

BACKPACKER.COM 57KEEP VIGILGARNET MOUNTAIN FIRE LOOKOUTCUSTER GALLATIN NATIONAL FOREST,MONTANA``````The top-of-the-world views that once madethis lookout ideal for wildland fire spotters—unobstructed vantages north down the Galla-tin River Valley, east to Hyalite Ridge, south tothe Gallatin Range, and west to the SpanishPeaks—make it just as great for hikers. InOctober, scan for a different kind of blazefrom the wrap-around porch: yellow patchesof larch and aspen. It’s a straightforward, 3.5-mile hike via the Garnet Mountain NationalRecreation Trail to the two-story tower (withwinter closures, it can be up to 12 miles viaStorm Castle and Rat Lake Roads). Claimone of four beds, then hit the trail: The GarnetMountain Trail continues south to a faint userpath to the twin Pioneer Lakes.``````Trailhead Storm Castle Peak Season Ye a r-round (snowshoe or ski in winter) AmenitiesBunks with mattresses; wood-burning stove;two-burner stove (BYO propane) Reservation$30/night; Contact BY (LEFT) LOUISA ALBANESE (2); WWW.FRESHOFFTHEGRID.COMThe lookout sits atopGarnet Mountain at 8,245 feet.``````From the twin huts,hike 1 mile southto Lake Agnes.

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