Microsoft Word - Piano Book.docx

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Alexander Lambert (1862-1029) did not make any Liszt discs and did not make any Liszt

Frederic Lamond (1868-1948) made Liszt discs and made Liszt rolls, two of which are on

Georg Leitert (1852-1901) did not survive into the recording era.

Georg Liebling (1865-1946) made a Liszt disc and made two Liszt rolls, both of which
are on CD.

Hugo Mansfeldt (1844-1932) did not make any discs or rolls.

William Mason (1829-1908) did not make any discs or rolls.

Sophie Menter (1846-1918) did not make any discs but made Liszt rolls, one of which is
on CD.

José Vianna da Motta (1868-1948) made Liszt discs and made Liszt rolls but none is in
Denis Condon’s collection.

Alfred Reisenauer (1863-1907) made no discs but made three Liszt rolls, all of which are
on CD.

Moriz Rosenthal (1862-1946) made Liszt discs but did not make any Liszt rolls

Bertrand Roth (1855-1938) did not make any discs; made Liszt rolls but none is in Denis
Condon’s collection.

Emil von Sauer (1862-1942) made Liszt discs and made Liszt rolls, one of which is in
Denis Condon’s collection.

Ludvig Schytte (1848-1909) did not make any discs and did not make any Liszt rolls.

Giovanni Sgambati (1843-1914) did not make any discs or rolls.

Alexander Siloti (1863-1945) did not make any discs; made two Liszt rolls, both of
which are on CD.

Benhard Stavenhagen (1862-1942) did not make any Liszt discs but made Liszt rolls,
three of which are on CD.

Constantine von Sternberg (1852-1924) did not make any discs and did not make any
Liszt rolls.

August Stradal (1860-1930) did not make any discs or rolls.

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