
(lily) #1



Police shoot and kill
a 15-year-old boy in
Athens following an
alleged exchange
between police and
youths. This sparks a
series of urban riots

Kostas Karaman lis
calls an early election.
Socialist PASOK, under
Georgios Papan dreou,
wins with a landslide
result against the
conserva tives and
inherits a can of
worms regarding
national debt.

Greece is granted
the biggest fi nancial
bailout in history with
its fellow EU countries
committing €110
million. Strict austerity
measures by the Greek
government to cut the
bloated defi cit are met
with civil protest.

Despite loans the
economy continues
to shrink with rising
unemployment and
riots in Athens. A
second EU and IMF
bailout is granted to
prop up the economy
amid fears of a second
Greek recession.

an ongoing investigation regarding alleged corruption among state
executives (on both sides of the political fence) in connection with the
Siemens Hellas group. This follows another controversy that involved
land-swap deals between a monastery and the government, which some
commentators believe to have gone heavily in the monastery’s favour,
at the expense of taxpayers. A general election held in October 2009,
midway through Karamanlis’ term, saw PASOK (under Georgios
Papandreou) take back the reins in a landslide win against the

Neighbourly Relations
Greece continues to face the challenge of resolving its abrasive
relationship with its Balkan neighbour, Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia (FYROM), over the contentious issue of it adopting the
nomenclature of Macedonia (a topic negotiated between the two
nations via UN-mediated dialogue). Despite the fact Alexander’s
home of Pella still stands in the province of Macedonia in northern
Greece, FYROM is still insisting Greece’s favourite son is from their
country. Relations with Turkey these days are more neighbourly. Greece
supports Turkey’s steps towards EU-ascension, and is urging joint
action between the two nations to manage illegal immigration across
Greece’s borders. However, Turkey is expressing concerns over Greece’s
intentions of drilling for hydrocarbons in Cypriot waters, sparking a
diplomatic headache.
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