Basic Music Theory: How to Read, Write, and Understand Written Music

(Barré) #1

Interlude: Musical Terms

First and Second Endings

Sometimes a section is repeated, but has a different ending the second
time around. The first time through the section, play to the repeat sign
and return to the previous repeat sign (or the beginning, as in the example
below). The second time through, skip the first ending which begins
under the bracket with the number “1”, and play the second ending.

Example 10.6 First and second endings. In this example the first ending repeat returns to the beginning.

More Complex Repeats

The following terms and symbols show more complicated types of



Da Capo al Fine
(D.C. al Fine)

Go back to the beginning and
play to the fine.

Del Segno al Fine
(D.S. al Fine)

Return to the sign ( ) and
play to the fine.

Coda ( )
A closing section of a piece
of music.
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