Basic Music Theory
Moving On
As you can tell, there are many, many terms to know. If you look in the
glossary in the back of this book, you’ll find even more. While I was
researching terms for the glossary, I learned several that I hadn’t known
before, and I’ve been playing music for over twenty years.
Unless you have a photographic memory, it’s a good idea to keep a
pocket dictionary around in case you come across terms like, grave, con
moto, leggerio, senza sordino, or other strange utterances.
Da Capo al Coda
(D.C. al Coda)
Go back to the beginning and
jump to the coda section at
the coda sign
Del Segno al Coda
(D.S. al Coda)
Return to the sign( ) and
jump to the coda section at
the coda sign.