Basic Music Theory: How to Read, Write, and Understand Written Music

(Barré) #1
Basic Music Theory

Chapter 13 Review

  1. What is another name for meter?

  2. Where does the time signature appear?

  3. What information does the time signature give?

  4. Which are the three most common time

  5. What does the top number tell us?

  6. What does the bottom number tell us?

  7. Why are different meters used?

    1. Time signature

    2. At the beginning of a
      piece of music,
      directly after the clef

    3. How many beats in
      each measure, and
      what type of note
      gets one beat

    4. 4/4, 2/4, 3/4

    5. How many beats in
      one measure

    6. What type of note
      gets one beat

    7. Each song has a
      pattern. The meter
      depends on the
      pattern of each song.

Practical Use

  1. Write any meter you have learned at the beginning of a staff. Choose
    a clef also, and place the two correctly. Are you using a pencil? Do. It
    saves time and is much neater when mistakes are made.

  2. Fill up a line with notes and rests. Feel free (and do) change clef and
    meter when you want. Simply write the meter/clef where you want it to

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